Friday 15 May 2020

What is it like to be a Radio Producer

Well, If you are going to be producing a radio show, I must warn you.. most people you come across in your life after that point will be amazed to hear that and will be immediately impressed and then will ask you "so, what does a radio producer do exactly" (some may even hit you with an 'I always wanted to be an RJ') and it will fine for a few months but then it gets irritating. Yep, it does. Everywhere, everyone, every single time and trust me when I say everyone.. Dating sites, people will match with you and that would be their first question. They know they can google it, just to even sound smart they can but nope that is too much work so they will ask you...  Makes you feel like you are the only person doing that job but that frustration aside.. yeah it is a pretty cool job.

I came up with this explanation... Like in a movie there is an actor and a director, on a radio show, we have an RJ and a producer. The RJ is the voice of the show and yeah sometimes the producer is on air too but mostly the RJ handles that, a producer comes in the picture, along with sort of being your RJ's Manager in a way a producer's job is to handle the "what/who goes on air" so they work as a team. Google definitely has a better description, one can always check that out, just saying.

My radio journey started very randomly, I was a confused college kid who was going to graduate with a degree in journalism not knowing what to do next so I called up Darius Sunnawala, I had worked under him as an intern in my first year of college and always looked up to him so I thought, lets bug him with this existential crisis and he asked me what all I have tried, I said print, digital, this that blah blah.. well he said you didn't try radio and sure enough, I hadn't because it never occurred to me, I was never someone who use to listen to the radio, I come from a small town where people reach places in minutes, unlike Bangalore where everyone is in traffic and has the time to listen to the radio and not just that, it wasn't part of my college syllabus.. so yep, never thought about that but then after he said it, its all I could think about... Radio sounded so perfect. So me.

So with a couple of months left of college, I applied for an internship. I have to say, working in radio is challenging and demanding and unless you absolutely love every bit of it, you cant survive. Now maybe that is how it is with other professions too but I know for a fact its true for the radio. The number of breakdowns people have in the office is just marvellous and then we finish the work but trust me, the show must go on. So yes, I got the internship and I poured my heart and soul into it and I loved it but here is another thing about radio, there are barely any vacancies. So, after my internship, I wanted a job but there were no openings so I waited.. even took up another job meanwhile but it sucked really, I missed the studios and one day I get a call.. from an RJ Kay from 94.3 radio one and he is looking for a producer and was recommended my name.

This was it. The interview happened and then I started as a producer for a prime time drive show in Bangalore on India's only international radio network and I love my job. It isn't easy and I get it wrong more times than I should but I am lucky to have a fantastic team who supports and guides me. It's a job at the end of the day so there are mundane things and not every day is a great one but I would choose my worst day in the studios over my best day anywhere else. 

Tuesday 26 July 2016

“Scouts And Guides President Award Rally,
5 th to 9 th December, 2015”

Every year, President Award Rally is organised to felicitate the Rashtrapati scouts and guides from each state, as an appreciation and acknowledgement of the sincere efforts that they have been doing towards making our society a better place to live, by serving others. One scout and one guide from each state is selected and given the privilege of attending the ceremony in Rashtrapati Bhavan and receive the award from His Excellency, President of India on behalf of all the awardees from their state, where all the dignitaries and high ranking officers of Navy, Army and Air force accompanied them.

I, Sakshi Gautam, the first Rashtrapati Guide from Montfort, Bhopal got the opportunity to represent the state of Madhya Pradesh. A badge and a certificate signed by The President was awarded as a motivation to do good and become a true Indian. The camp where we were trained was organised at The National Youth Complex, Gadpuri, Haryana, is a wonderful and well equipped camp site with a huge auditorium, ground, tents, medical faciliity and other required amenities. Here, we had the best trainers of our Scout Guide National Headquaters to assist and train us for the ceremony. On 5th December, after registration and lunch, Official Opening of the camp was done at the Flag. We were told about the objectives and rules of the camp and a tour of the camp site was given. After the Campfire and Dinner, we were briefed about the following day programmes and were told that it would be a hectic schedule thereafter. 6th and 7th December, after the B.P. exercise and breakfast, we had an inspection of our uniforms and marching. At the Flag, the improvements were suggested state-wise and we were given time to correct ourselves accordingly. While all this was going on, we were being called in between the practices to give interviews and share our experiences with the media, as our daily activities were being broadcasted at national and international levels. We were also supposed to perform two songs at the Bhavan. The first  was The World Scout Song in Assamese (Bishwa Bijoye Naojawan) and a Hindi community Song (Dulhan sa Pyaara Desh Banaenge). We devoted two days in practicing and rehearsing our parts for the function at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Even the chilly weather could not suppress our voices of energy and enthusiasm. Be it day or night, there were young bloods running about completing tasks. On the evening of 7th, we had a Grand Camp Fire where we were accompanied by the chairman of the World Scouts Association and the chair of WAGGGS and other dignified personalities like the Director Of Bharat Scouts Guides and the hero of MOP program in APR etc. All states performed a dance or a song that night. It was a celebration of true spirit of scouting and a short break from the activities - a little entertainment before the big day.

8th Decemeber was the day we’ve been waiting for ever since we started scouting. Early morning at 7 a.m. after breakfast we left our campsite for the 2-hour journey to the President’s House. Though we all were tired due to the vigorous practices and sleeplessness but as soon as we saw the Darbar Hall where the ceremony was to be conducted, we were awestruck at the beauty and royalty of the place. It was better than what we could ever imagine it to be, it was huge and made of marble, its ceiling had sculptures and engravings, and it was decorated and arranged just for us - it was breathtakingly amazing. We all took our seats and watched everyone around us being so disciplined and smart. Everything was perfect.

The Program began at 1 o’clock with the arrival of Dr. Pranab Mukherjee, President of India while the Air force band played in the background. After the introductory session and procedures, the distribution of certificates to the different states began. We marched our way on the red carpet to the President, saluted him and received the award. It was indeed an honour to be among all those high ranking officers and other honoured personalities.

The president handed over the certificates and congratulated us. After getting his blessings and motivational speech, we went for lunch. It was a wonderful feeling, just being a part of it. After reaching the camp site, we all were filled with happiness and satisfaction.

9th December was the last day of the rally. At 7 am, we all had faith prayer, where we thanked God for everything that he has given us and for blessing our camp. After the Prayer and Flag, we had our breakfast and time was given to return the issued gears. A final session and inspection was conducted. With the lowering of the flag, The Rally was declared closed.

7 years back, when I joined Scouts and Guides in school, I could’ve never imagined the possibility of reaching here. I still remember my first camp, and still can’t believe that I’ve been a part of scouting for so long now, that it has become a part of me. Scouting not only gave me a platform to discover myself but also taught me the true meaning of patriotism, teamwork, leadership and honour. If anyone deserves this award more than me that could only be my loving parents, Mr. Rakesh Gautam and Mrs. Kiran Gautam, and other family members who always believed in me and gave me the strength to do my best.

All this would not have been possible without Rev. Bro. T. Alex, Principal, Montfort, Bhopal, who always supported and blessed all my scouting adventures. Rev. Bro. William was my first Scouting teacher and mentor, who selflessly helped me in becoming who I am today. I thank Asha Mam, without whose guidance and directions, the Rashtrapati award could never become reality for me.

I’m indebted to all my Other Guide Captains and Scout Masters who helped me through my journey along with all my teachers who always helped me cope with studies after camp. Every Montfortian, be it the non-teaching staff or my friends, motivated and inspired me to try my best in everything I do.

This achievement is not just mine, but everyone who helped me make it possible.
And as it was said to us at the closing of the camp:

“This is Not an End to a Journey but a New beginning towards Achieving even bigger goals like world peace and true patriotism. With this camp, your scouting doesn’t end, it begins at other level, a higher level. As our Founder Baden Powel rightly said: ONCE A SCOUT, ALWAYS A SCOUT.”

Saturday 16 July 2016

College Life

Its an overwhelming experience for everyone; the changes. And if you are moving out to a new town for it, then the anxiety and excitement reaches another level. For me, it was a scary choice. Being a PCM with C++ student in a small town like Bhopal, i was always expected to do engineering or B.Sc. not that they are a bad course to choose but that wasnt something i wanted to do. In these 2 years of high schools, i could not figure out what i wanted to do but i definitely came to know what i dont wanna do, and that, got me to BA in Journalism, Psychology and British Literature from Christ University, Bangalore. A girl who knew only about the cut offs of IITs and career options like Engineer, Scientist etc., managed to convince the world that she wanna do something she loves, she doesn't want to wake up every morning and push herself through college or job, she wants to get up excited everyday to go to work. And that is how i figured that my love for traveling, learning about cultures and religions, talking to people can never fade away, and Christ was offering this amazing combination of everything that i want to learn. In a group of people, who had already figured this out years back, with internships done and life sorted, the level of intimidation i felt was of a different level. 

But, one thing i learnt was, don't focus on the things you don't know, work on your strengths, i'm a good orator and debater, and when the time came, i saw the opportunity and took it, won an intra-departmental debate competition and now i know, if they are good, m good too. If they can do it, so can i, just because I am taking longer than them to figure things out, doesn't mean  I am doing it wrong.

I am writing my story not to boast about myself but to give an example to everyone who feels like me out there, that, if you were brave enough to make this choice, god will give you the strength to handle the consequences, and you know there will be,  but relax, everything will fall into place, just give it some time :)

I conclude by my favorite quote "You are Unique, just Like Everyone Else"

Hope this helps :)